The format elected for MART-3D combines lectures, demos and informal discussions in a location that favours fruitful exchanges between all attendees.
The programme is organized as described below:
- Dominique BERNARD (DR CNRS, ICMCB, Pessac, France) and Jean-Yves BUFFIERE (Prof., MATEIS, INSA Lyon, France): General introduction to MART-3D and why this advanced summer school has been organized.
- Manuel DIERICK (Dr., Dept. Physic & Astronomy, Univ. Gent, Belgium): Physical modelling of the acquisition process.
- Stéphane ROUX (DR CNRS, LMT, ENS Cachan, France): Reconstruction methods in attenuation tomography.
- Julio Cesar DA SILVA (Dr., ESRF, ID16A, Grenoble, France): Ptychotomography.
- Hugues TALBOT (Prof., LIGM, Univ. Paris-Est, France): Reconstruction methods based on optimisation approaches.
- Ralf HOFMANN (Prof., ANKA, KIT, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany): Reconstruction methods in phase contrast tomography.
- Alessandro OLIVO (Prof., UCL, University College London, United Kingdom): The edge illumination method.
- Stéphane ROUX (DR CNRS, LMT, ENS Cachan, France): 3D image correlation and reconstruction in tomography.
- Wolfgang LUDWIG (DR CNRS, MATEIS, INSA Lyon, France): Diffraction contrast tomography.
- Pascal DESBARATS (Prof., Univ. Bordeaux, Labri, Talence, France): Demos.